Gretchen Keskeys/Blog /Standing On The Word Of God


A close up of the wall with cracks

Standing On The Word Of God

“I have a source who tells me He will finish what He starts!” – from my song “Standing On The Word Of God.”

When I wrote that line inspired by scripture: “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Phil 1:6, I had no idea how true it would be in my life.

This journey began back in the summer of 2014. I had been going through a time of discouragement. On this particular day, instead of trying to push away the negative feelings or distract myself with something else, I decided to read the Bible. And what I read that day changed the course of my life. I love God’s Word because it is living and speaks to us fresh each time. I read that the discouragement I had been feeling was not of God. I read that day that by standing on God’s promises I could move out the mockers of my mind and know that God is for me, has a plan for me, and as He says in Isaiah 41:10, “He will strengthen me and help me.” And help me he did!

I was so encouraged and inspired that I sat down at the piano and started playing and as my heart was freed and lifted, several songs poured out. “Standing On The Word of God” was the first one. And singing it made my heart almost burst with thanks and joy! In many ways it is a foundation for the rest of the album because all of the ten songs come from a place of needing and seeking the Lord, spending time with Him, and looking to and trusting His Word. And that standing on His promises means nothing is impossible with God, that He will work things out for our good, guide our way and give us a peace that is not found in this world. That even during these troubled times, He is victorious over the darkness!

We can walk in confidence that God has a wonderful plan for us! And like the last line of the last verse says: “His sacrifice upon the cross gave righteousness to me. I have no fear but only hope, I have true victory!”

YES! Only Jesus Christ can do that! He has that hope for us all! God’s Word (The Holy Bible) has everything we need to know Christ, to understand and live His promises, to rest in His assurance of forgiveness and salvation and to give us strength as we live each day Standing On The Word Of God!”

Written By: gretchen