Gretchen Keskeys/Blog /“Pure Hope” The Story Behind My Songs


Smiling woman with the title "Pure Hope."

“Pure Hope” The Story Behind My Songs

A woman in white dress sitting on top of a chair.Songwriting for me is definitely a spiritual experience. I cannot do it in the flesh if I try. I have tried and what comes from it is dry and empty.

The songs on this album have mostly come from a place of pain and praise.
Pain of discouragement, pain of uncertainty, pain of fear, pain of longing. And the answer to that pain ALWAYS comes from the same source: Jesus Christ. All glory, honor and praise to Him! His Word. His Spirit. His promises. His sacrifice. His love.

Here a glimpse of the story behind three of the twelve songs:

Child Of The King: Most of the pain in my life is from not seeing myself as God sees me but as other’s see me. Growing up in an alcoholic home, I literally learned to look in the eyes of others to see the temperature of the climate in the home. How they looked at me determined how I felt about myself. And I have done it to this very day. But, Jesus Christ has done a work in me and that stronghold is I’d say no longer there. I no longer look to other people or the lies of Satan to tell me who I am. I AM a Child of the King! And you are too!

Forgiven Once Again: I had been feeling not well. Just a heaviness in my heart and in my life. A sadness and I couldn’t figure it out. In prayer, I realized I had some unconfessed sin and it literally was taking the life out of me. I went to the Lord in prayer and confession and in that forgiveness that I received, I literally came back to life! I could live again! This isn’t about habitual sin and using God’s grace to sin. This is about a loving Father who promises to forgive us when we sincerely confess our sin and repent. And forgive others as we are forgiven. What a gift and a loving Father we have!

This Time: Of all the songs on the album, this one is probably the most deeply personal. Recognizing that as I was going back into old patterns in my life to deal with pain instead of putting my trust completely in God, I was self destructing. None of the coping methods I have used bring life. Only Jesus Christ brings life. Romans 8:6 – “The mind governed by the flesh brings death, the mind governed by the Spirit brings life and peace.” Yes, this is so very true. This song is my cry to remember to trust God. And it was in this trust that this whole album was made. He can be trusted because He has good plans for us all.

My only prayer for this music and my ministry is that is can bring hope and help to hurting hearts by directing listeners to Jesus. I have been a Christian for many years, but I still struggle with this trusting, with this surrender. But, I know without a doubt, it is the truth. Jesus Christ lives and He is the only real hope for this world. I look forward to sharing more of the backstories to my new album songs!

Please take a listen to my music samples at iTunes:

Written By: gretchen