God Loves You, God Loves Me – God’s the Way We All Can Live in Unity
I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “unity.” We hear it often, it seems to be everyone’s goal today, but how is it ever achieved? I started thinking of it in terms of my own family. When there is a disagreement, a bitterness, a hostility…how do we get back to unity? It always starts with a “death.” Someone’s got to “die.” That is, someone’s got to die to their flesh, their pride, their “being right” and be the first to say… “sorry.” And as soon as the first “sorry” is spoken, it is a step back to unity. But how is that even accomplished? When the temptation is so strong to dig in your heels and say NO! I won’t do it! It’s tempting, it feels natural and what the world says we should do, but that is playing into the devil’s hands because he wants nothing more for us than we do that. His goal is to steal, kill and destroy, especially the family. There is only one way: “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee.” (and all the pride, bitterness, resentment that he brings.) James 4:7 When God is our final authority, we can look to what He says: “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud.” Romans 12:16.”
When we look to God, we see all this self righteousness and pride can’t stay. There is no way. I have been forgiven of so much, how can I not forgive? It is a humbling that can only take place when God oversees our homes, our lives, even our country. I really believe that “One Nation Under God” and “In God We Trust” are the mottos or foundations that have kept our country so unified. I know for my family, “One Family Under God” is what has saved us again and again and again. Both my husband and I have strong opinions at times. I can get so mad at him when he pushes that on me or visa versa. But as soon as a little humility shows through, I just want to hug him. Maybe that’s what our country needs. A big day of humility and a big hug. We can only pray that happens.
I wrote a song that reflects all this. It’s called “God Loves You.” I was feeling bad about a situation at church. I was trying to do the right thing and someone there took it the wrong way and she seemed mad at me. It made me lose my peace for several days. And I kept praying to God: “It isn’t fair! I was trying to be a “good Christian!” “Why couldn’t she see that?” “Please make her see that.” “I did nothing wrong.” And in a prayer, God spoke to me and He said: “Leave it with me. It’s all right. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be the “perfect Christian.” And in that moment, I felt a weight lifted, and this song came to me. It is all about the simplicity of the gospel, and being humbled. And just loving people. Not worrying so much about my performance, my being right, but being an open vessel to listen and love. God will take care of the rest. And in my heart, the walls came down and I just wanted to call that woman up and tell her I was sorry for any misunderstanding. We have major walls in our country, in this world. I want to live and love big and let God take care of the rest. Yes, some may refuse to take a step of humility, or even mock and reject God. Which hurts and we know who is behind that (Satan.) But he is a defeated foe. When Christ died for our sins, Satan was disarmed and defeated. Christ gave us the power and the purpose to share His love with the world. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses” Acts 1:8 A world that only the healing forgiving love of Jesus can unify. God loves you. God loves me.
God Loves You – Words and Music by Gretchen Keskeys