Gretchen Keskeys/Blog /It’s In Your Hands


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It’s In Your Hands

When I read of an unthinkable tragedy, one like the 2 year old who was killed by an alligator at Disney World, or a child who is kidnapped and never to be found, my mind often goes to the parents. I wonder, “how on earth can they go on?” “How can they survive such pain?”

That was one of the thoughts I had when I wrote, “It’s In Your Hands.” I thought back to times in my life I was inconsolable. When nothing would relieve the pain. I couldn’t sleep, could not find any peace or enjoyment in life.

I have been at that place as the first line of the song says: “There is no peace, there is no sleep, this heavy heart is hurting deep. I toss and turn in my bed at night, trying hard to make it right, oh Lord, I need relief.” I’m sure all of us have experienced that kind of pain. Maybe not the grief of losing a child, which has to be immeasurable. But, we have had our heart broken. It is a horrible pain. It feels like it will never end. Eternal sleep at that point sounds like a nice option.

But, God has something better for us than the things we so often use to give us relief: medication, isolation, overeating or drinking, shopping. numbing out. He has His peace which passes understanding. We have the hope that He does care for us and our situation. That we WILL find relief in Him. That He is the God of the Universe and more powerful to help us than anything or anyone else.

This song, “It’s In Your Hands” is my song of surrender. To completely give my deepest cares to Christ. To place them in His mighty hands while I bow at His feet humbly knowing I can’t do it anymore. I can’t hold onto it. I can’t try to fix it. I can’t think it right. I’m done. He can have it all.

And THAT is when the healing begins. He asks us to cast our cares to Him. 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” And yes, sometimes the load we cast is a heavy one. One that is so deep in our heart that we wonder, “can He be trusted with this?!” “This is so deep and so painful, it is my very life, how can I let it go?!”

In a line from the song it says: “There is no safer place, than when I trust in faith.” – Yes. With our very lives. Jesus Christ is a safe confidant, He is a safe friend. He is a safe place to rest our head. When we are grieving or just in fear of what might be, there is no better place to be than in the most loving and most compassionate hands. He will take the immense pain or fear and turn it to peace and eventually to joy. We will find as the bible promises in Nehemiah 8:10: “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” We can mourn what was lost, but rest in the protection and peace He brings.

Whatever your pain or worry or regret – He CAN be trusted. He DOES know us better than we do. He DOES have a plan that will work things for the good when we trust in Him and ask for His will.

Some pain in this lifetime may forever be remembered, but we don’t have to hold onto it as a memorial. We can place it in the most sacred and protected place. In the beautiful hands of Jesus Christ. We can rest knowing He cares for those we love more than even we could. How wonderful we will have an eternity, where we are promised that all pain will be completely wiped away, to worship at His feet.

Written By: gretchen