Gretchen Keskeys/Blog /“Then I Met Jesus” – looking back


Woman with light hair and black jacket.

“Then I Met Jesus” – looking back

A woman with long blonde hair wearing a black dress.

I was looking at the files on my computer of new songs I am writing and as I looked back at 2014, I saw a heading titled “I’m New.” I didn’t know what it was, but when I opened it, I saw the beginnings of probably my most loved song; “Then I Met Jesus.”

It wasn’t released until two years later. It was so well received and I fondly remember reading the thousands of notes of hearts touched. I wish I could know all the people who wrote so I could check back in and see how that son in prison is doing, or how their battle with cancer is, or that addiction, or their uncertain faith. Or just to reconnect with their beautiful hearts for Christ and to hear the amazing testimonies.

I often hear from those asking for the music track to sing at church and sometimes memorial services. Which always is a blessing. I am working on making the track available online. And I love to sing it at church or other appearances. It is a wonderful way to share my testimony.

I speak of being “a new creation” in Christ in “Then I Met Jesus.” I have taken some time to examine what I wrote about and if it really was true in my life. Am I today truly free? No shame or darkness? A brand new me?

The truth is…. In most ways…yes. Jesus hasn’t changed and He is who I am anchored to. And the firmer my grip, the more solid my days. The peace and healing He gave me those many years ago when I gave my heart to Him are as solid as ever. I love His peace! But, I have floundered some days. I have forgotten at times who HE is , who He promises He is, and who He is that I love to write and sing about.

Those days, really I’d rather forget, but I have gotten discouraged, I have gone through periods of being down, wanting more in my own way and time, having deep regrets over mistakes in my life, being immersed in my old self, not my born again self. Not in the Spirit but in the flesh. And those are days that led nowhere. And that is confirmed with Scripture: “The mind governed by the flesh is death, the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

Where life and good life has happened is when I have been close to Jesus. On a trip to Israel, times of worship in church, listening to His word, reading the bible, fellowship with Christian friends, time with the family, bible study, serving the Lord, sharing my testimony and music. And mostly, really just trusting Him, thoughts to Him. Living in the Spirit and keeping good habits in His will that help me reach goals.

One is life and one is death. It is so clear. So clear. And ultimately the conclusion I have come to is: He is God, I am not. He is good, I am flawed. He is worthy of our worship, praise, following, adoration. I just want to do that.

So, I can still say “He made me brand new.” Yes He did. And I continue to grow and mature in my faith. I am more deeply rooted in Christ. I have grown in my knowledge of His Word and I know even more that everything is found in Christ. “Then I Met Jesus” is about Jesus, it is because of Jesus, it is for Jesus, it is for all of us who are longing for the hope of good, of better, of the best life. Yes, nothing has changed. He provides that same hope yesterday, today and tomorrow. The hope of a new life. That is found in Jesus Christ alone.

“Then I Met Jesus”

Written By: gretchen