Let It Begin!
“Let It Begin” written by Gretchen Keskeys and co-written and produced by Ian Eskelin, will be released February 2025. It is an album created in a prayer. I write most every day. Anything and everything God puts on my heart, healing I see and experience, writing inspired by scripture and the Holy Spirit. My files were filled with songs, some just started, some complete, some just an idea. I wanted to take my very favorite, most meaningful, God glorifying words and melodies and give them the very best treatment. I was introduced to Grammy nominated, Dove award winning producer Ian Eskelin, and my prayer was answered. The first time I spoke to Ian, I knew he got my music, my ideas, my words. “Let It Begin” is the title song that represents the content of this album perfectly. It is about the redemption and new life given to us by Jesus Christ. “The condemnation, the hidden tears, Jesus come redeem all these stolen years. Let it begin, living for the first time. Let it begin, I’m ready for my new life in You!” Like so much work that Christ does in us, many of these songs were born in times of struggle. “Toughen Me Up” is an anthem of God using what is hard and equipping us to be more than conquerors. “Hold On” is an encouraging song for those in a difficult place. “Hold on, hold on, in the battles that you’re in. Have faith, stay strong, when your rope is wearing thin. There is hope when we hold on to Him!” I wrote “On and On” on the drive home after my mother died. I was alone with her, holding her hand as she passed. When she died, her body was there, but I knew she lived on. She was a woman of faith. I knew she was with Jesus. “Even after our last breath is drawn. Even when this body’s gone, inside the spirit’s strong and we live on and on and on.” This song means a lot to me and I hope it is an encouragement for all who have lost a loved one or who might even fear death. “How Good God Is” is just pure joy at all God has done. “Jesus Saves” was inspired by the big red “Jesus Saves” sign we see on top of buildings. I was thinking about driving in the car in the city and seeing that sign. And sharing how yes, that sign was right, Jesus Saves! “We Praise You God” is pure praise and worship. A beautiful song Ian arranged. There are so many more and I pray they are an encouragement and blessing. As the song “Thank You” starts: “Nothing I love more than sharing Jesus and all the great things that He’s done for me!” Creating “Let It Begin” was a true joy. From working with Ian on the songwriting, to traveling to Nashville to record and then hearing all the final mixes. I am so excited to share them with you! Let It Begin!